Our Goal at TheCompositesBlog.com
Our goal for this site is to gather the best material and information pertaining to entry, mid level, and advanced composite fabrication in one place. Our Blog will be the main part we update on a regular basis where we will cover and discuss a whole host of techniques and materials so be sure to come back to visit that. Composites projects can range from very easy and low skill, up to being part of some of the most complex machines on earth. If you really don't know where to start, read our "20 Tools for under $20" post to get up to speed on stuff needed to get started. Composites are used everywhere around us and can make just about anything imaginable. There are also multiple ways to produce the same part, adding to some of the confusion about working with composites. As vast and technical as the world of composites is, its our hope with this site to help guide you along as you continue to learn the art of composite part fabrication. A good place to start would be with our "Top 3" composite books below. Be sure to check back for new blog posts and new book and tool reviews where you can pick up more tips and tricks. Aslo feel free to check out our store where we have listed books and tools that every fabricator should have.

My "top 3" books to read to get up to speed with composites.
Below are my top three recommendations on what books you should read to quickly get up to speed. They are great entry level, well rounded books. The concepts and techniques are not overly complex, and they will give you a good foundation to build off of. Check out our Store for more great books. Also, be sure to keep up with our Blog as well for tips and tricks, new book reviews, and other composites related information.
Composites Materials Fabrication Handbook #1
Composite Materials: Fabrication Handbook 1 (Composite Garage Series)
This is a great entry level book. It starts with something as simple as a flat panel, then moves to slightly more difficult projects. This is the first of four books by John Wanberg. The books are relatively recent, and feature plenty of pictures.
Competition Car Composites
Competition Car Composites: A Practical Handbook (Revised 2nd Edition)
Because of my love for racing, this book by Simon McBeath was right up my alley. The techniques in this book a slightly more advanced and complex, but are a nice step up in some respects. Coupled with the fact that he makes parts for race cars, this book is a must have for the auto enthusiast.
Fiberglass & other composite materials
This book is good because it is a good over view of many composite materials and techniques. It doesn't dive overly deep into any one material or process. That makes it a great book for the person just looking to get into composites.